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Ray of Sunshine Mala


I created this Mala on a beautiful sunny day as we emerge from what feels like a very long winter hibernation.

It is embedded with the Gayatri Manatra, a powerful universal mantra used for awakening and expanding consciousness. It is considered a prayer for wisdom and enlightenment, invoking the divine light to illuminate the practitioner's intellect.

oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ

tat savitur vareṇyaṃ

bhargo devasya dhīmahi

dhiyo yo naḥ pracodayāt

Use this mala to bring energy and positivity into your life or gift it to someone who needs a Ray of Sunshine!


  • Rudraksha seeds - cleanses and purifies your aura and enhances a positive flow of energy. It also shields the wearer against negative energies.
  • Tigers eye - Encourages confidence and strength, it helps bring light to situations helping you to see clearly and remain positive
  • Lava stone - A strong combination of earth and fire, this stone is formed in extreme conditions from molten rock. It gives strength and grounding as well as motivation when feeling stuck.
  • Yellow cotton - Yellow is the colour of Manipura the solar plexus chakra. It is associated with sunshine, motivation, hope, laughter, warmth, positivity and happiness.
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