Understanding Anahata – the heart chakra:
Anahata or Heart chakra is associated with love. It is the meeting place for the divine masculine and divine feminine forces where they can exist in perfect balance. Anahata is represented by a lotus flower with twelve petals inside of which is a six pointed star made of two intersecting triangles (the Shatkona or Star of David) that depicts the union of Purusha and Prakrititi / Shiva and Shakti / Male and Female - the source of all creation.
The meaning of the word “Anahata” is “un-struck” the place where sound is made without any physical action / being struck. Many people associate the unstruck sound of Anahata with the heartbeat, however the heartbeat is caused by a contraction of muscles, opening and closing valves and pushing blood through the compartments of the heart – this is very much physical, this is not unstruck. Through my sadhana recently I have been privileged to gain insight into and direct experience of the unstruck sound of Anahata. These are my thoughts - I would love to hear if they resonate with you.
Consider the phrase “my heart sings.” - What feeling does this phrase invoke in you?
For me it brings to mind joy and expansion. It is pure, blissful and visceral.
So what makes your heart sing? It is more than just having a fun time. It is so much deeper than love for another person. It is an experience that happens when you are doing something that you are truly passionate about on a deeper soul level. When you are fulfilling your purpose in life, meeting your soul contract. This is what makes your heart sing and the vibration and sound literally reverberates within your being. A magnificent resonance of the ultimate happiness and euphoria. A discovery of a deep truth that was always within you. This is when you get to truly experience the unstruck sound of Anahata!
Sending you much love and blessings on your path of discovery.
Jyotipari - Sirpa